Thursday, April 18, 2013


Six months have gone by since my sweet boy came into this world. The days have passed in a blur of sunshine and smiles.

He is sitting on his own now, and will contentedly amuse himself with the new noises he can make and his ability to grasp his toys.

He is ticklish! We love to tickle his tummy and the back of his neck and hear him squeal with giggles.

He is not interested in "real food". We have tried multiple times to offer foods like butternut squash and sweet potatoes and after tasting them, he gets an offended/disgusted look on his face. I've decided to wait awhile longer before offering them again.

He is extremely excited by Papa's triumphant return from work each day.

He is down to two naps a day (give or take) and is beginning to sleep better at night. We are still having a rough time with tummy trouble, though.

He is now able to sit in a high chair when we go out to eat and he loves to be worn in the Ergo. He will sit on my back contentedly for hours while I get things done.

In the near future, I am excited to:

Take him to the park and push him in a swing.

Take him to the beach, and on hikes.

Introduce him to different flavors and textures.

Introduce him to the wonderful world of bath-taking and water-splashing. (We take showers with him currently.)

Watch him become more mobile each day. I can tell he is eager to crawl and I do not doubt he will be walking soon.

                                                                  a half-birthday cake

                                                                  my handsome guys

I feel so very blessed to be wife to such a wonderful man and mama to such a sweet boy.

