Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Past Due

This baby is not the only one who's past due---this blog post is also overdue.

Yesterday was my due date, and we watched it come and go. I feel enormous. Thankfully, I've been having quite a few contractions, which reminds me that this baby WILL eventually come out. He likes to sit right under my ribs, and I often feel like I will just pop. As my dear husband said the other day, "It's like you're exploding...in slow motion." Hmm. 

Here's a picture of Baby Newhall poking out of my belly. He happens to have the hiccups right now. 

So what have we up to this last week?

Well, I made a delicious sweet potato curry soup, and a loaf of oatmeal bread to go with that.

I took a walk and discovered a park near my home---with actual green grass. That's pretty rare for California. I'd love to take a picnic there someday.

We went to Goodwill and bought a gorgeous chair to match our living room theme--(I call it college-kid-coffeeshop-chic). Only $30, thank you very much.

We went to Costco and walked around...for amusement. We enjoy window-shopping a little too much.

Here's a picture of my very handsome man and some pasta, which we plan to buy, if we ever feel like spending $8 all in one place. Like I said, we were strictly window-shopping.

We also bought a pumpkin, baked it, and transformed it into a quickly-vanishing pumpkin pie.

We grow more impatient with every passing day (particularly me) and hope that Walter will soon be here. I can't wait to see what he looks like! I imagine he will have blue eyes, but have also thought it would be neat if he had grey eyes. His daddy's eyes are a gorgeous blue-grey mix--so there's a chance. 

Let's hope that the next time I post, Walter will be out in the world with me!



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